Archive for December, 2016

Mnorh’s Chosen: The Halflings

The Halflings, so-called because they resemble humans in most ways except for height and toughness of foot, are not a numerous race, but they have an ancient pedigree. Indeed, the Halflings claim they were the first race created by the true god, whom they call Mnorh, which means “Illumination” in Trgovija, the trade tongue. Halfling scholars disagree on whether Mnorh created the other races, or whether Mnorh created the gods who created the other races, but either way the message remains the same: Mnorh is supreme. Most Halflings live semi-nomadic lives, establishing temporary settlements in fertile lands to graze their sheep and farm for a season before moving on. They are prolific traders, and those Halflings that reside in towns almost always seem to be engaged in business of some sort. Scrupulous and industrious, Halflings would be more trusted and liked if not for their religious beliefs, which many peoples view as insulting, even dangerous. Spates of terrible violence aimed at Halflings punctuate their history, and Halflings have developed a strong warrior tradition in response to the not infrequent threats to their way of life.

Halfling Class Abilities

Accuracy and Agility: Halflings receive a +2 attack bonus when firing missile weapons in combat. Halfling have special skill in fighting giants, ogres, and similar giant-type creatures such as trolls. Against Halflings, such monsters only inflict half the normal damage. Halflings possess natural agility and grace. They move quietly, climb and hide well, and perform acrobatic feats. The chances to do so are shown on the adjacent table. Of course, a Halfling may not be able to perform such feats wearing certain types of armor or if carrying too much weight.

Establish Fort: At tenth level, a Halfling who chooses to build a fort may attract a body of loyal followers who swear fealty to the character.

Experience Bonus for Dexterity: Dexterity is the Prime Attribute for Halflings, which means a Halfling with Dexterity of 15 or higher receives an additional 5% experience.

Saving Throws: Halflings possess great resolve and courage, gaining a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Halflings may wear any kind of armor and may use shields; however, their armor and shields must be specially made for their small size. Halflings may use any small-sized weapons (such as a dagger, short sword, or short bow). Halflings may not use two-handed swords, longbows, battle axes, pole arms, or other large weapons. Halflings resolve their attacks using the same table as Fighters.

December 9th, 2016  in RPG No Comments »

Gnomes, Shadows, and Stealth

The Gnomes, seldom seen above ground during the day, dwell mostly deep within the earth, within caverns and tunnels carved by forces both natural and unnatural. In their subterranean world, lit only by magic, fire, or the caps of giant phosphorescent mushrooms, Gnomes live in small communities most often ruled by jarl, a chief chosen from among the families of the tribe. War-like and territorial, Gnomes guard their cavern-halls against the predations of monsters, especially the cruel and cowardly kobolds. Segojan Earthcaller sang the first Gnomes into existence, shaping clay and into living creatures by the power of his voice. Segojan’s brother Baravar Cloakshadow taught the Gnomes the arts of illusion and stealth, and Gaerdal Ironhand taught them the arts of war. Gnomes are a secretive race who often have flexible notions about the importance of honesty, especially when dealing with those who are not Gnomes.

Gnome Class Abilities

Establish Cavern Hall: At tenth level, a Gnome who chooses to build and dedicate a cavern hall to his clan may attract a body of loyal followers who swear fealty to the character.

Experience Bonus for Intelligence: Intelligence is the Prime Attribute for Gnome, which means a Gnome with Intelligence of 15 or higher receives an additional 5% experience.

Infravision: Gnomes have infravision in addition to normal sight and can see 60′ in the dark. Infravision is the ability to see heat (and the lack of heat). Normal and magical light makes infravision useless.

Keen Detection: Gnomes are good at spotting unsafe cave features, slanting passages, depth underground, and direction underground. See adjacent table for the chance of success.

Saving Throws: Gnomes are preternaturally alert. They gain a +2 bonus on saving throws versus illusions and traps. Also, when surprised, a Gnome may attempt a saving throw. If successful, he isn’t surprised after all.

Shadows and Stealth: Gnomes possess natural stealth and an affinity for illusion magic. Once per day, a Gnome may use either Invisibility or Phantasmal Force, both of which duplicate the spells of the same name except that the duration is one round per level of the Gnome. Gnomes can move silently, avoid detection, and climb walls free-handed in much the same manner as a Thief. The Gnome’s chances of doing so are shown on the adjacent table.

Speak with Animals: Gnomes can speak with burrowing animals within 30 feet. This ability is similar to the spell Speak with Animals.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Gnomes have no restrictions on weapons, but their small stature makes heavy and two-handed weapons problematic. Thus, Gnomes may use one-handed weapons without restriction, but the Referee may adjudicate the permissibility of other weapons as necessary. Gnomes may wear only leather armor. Gnomes resolves attacks using the same table as Clerics.

December 9th, 2016  in RPG No Comments »

The Duality of the Elves

Centuries ago, Elves ruled the world through sorcerous might and military power. Now, the Elven hegemony exists largely in history books. The only Elven city that still exists as a functioning political body is ancient Aachen. The rest of former Elven possessions and vassals have either been overtaken by wilderness or else exist today long free of Elven overlords. The Elves were created by Corellon Larethian and Sehanine Moobow, the Elven deities of the sun and moon, of life and death. Sehanine fashioned the Elven body while Corellon infused the spark of life. The duality of their creators affects the very core of Elven existence for every Elf is both male and female, changing sex with the passing of the hours. Most Elves are amoral. Their actions are determined by tradition and by the search for pleasure and new sensations. Elven sophisticates take pride their love of cruelty and pleasure. Their self-centered ways are held in check by rigid adherence to tradition. Elaborate rituals dedicated to the sun and the moon dominate Elven society, and few Elves have the courage to ignore these rites.

Elven Class Abilities

Duality: All Elves are both male and female, both martial (makar) and magical (istar). At 1st level, the player must decide which sex corresponds with which adjective. Thus, an Elf can be magical male and martial female, or vice versa. At moonrise each day, an Elf’s sex changes. An Elf can attempt to resist this change by making a saving throw. When an Elf changes form, the Elf recovers 1d6+1 lost hit points.

Establish Stronghold: At tenth level, an Elf who chooses to build a stronghold may attract a body of loyal followers who swear fealty to the character.

Experience Bonus for Strength and Intelligence: Strength and Intelligence are the Prime Attributes for Elves. An Elf with a Strength of 15 or higher receives a 2.5% bonus to experience. An Elf with a 15 or higher in Intelligence receives an additional 2.5% experience. These bonuses are cumulative for an Elf with 15+ in both attributes.

Keen Detection: Elves are good at spotting hidden and concealed doors (1-4 on a d6 when searching or 1-2 on a d6 if just passing by).

Saving Throws: An Elf receives a +2 bonus on saving throws against the special attacks of the undead.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: An Elf in either form can wear any armor up to and including chain mail. The Elf cannot use two-handed weapons or shields while casting spells.

Elven Istar Abilities

Combat: In istar form, an Elf resolves attack rolls using the same table as Magic-Users, but enjoys a +1 bonus to-hit with any type of bow or one-handed sword.

Saving Throws: An Elf in istar form receives a +2 bonus on saving throws against charm and sleep.

Spellcasting: Like the Magic-User, an Elf owns a book of spells, which does not necessarily include all of the spells on the standard lists. Reading from this book, the Elf presses select spell formulae into the mind, thus “preparing” those spells to be cast. Once a prepared spell is cast, the spell formulae disappears from the Elf’s mind, and must be prepared again before another attempt can be made to cast it. However, it is possible to prepare a spell multiple times using the available “slots” in the Elf’s memory. If the Elf finds spell scrolls during an adventure, those can be copied into the spellbook.

Elven Makar Abilities

Combat: In makar form, an Elf resolves attack rolls using the same table as Clerics, but enjoys a +1 bonus to-hit with any type of bow or one-handed sword.

Saving Throws: An Elf in makar form receives a +2 bonus on saving throws against charm and fear.

December 8th, 2016  in RPG No Comments »

Dwarves: Forged in Fire

Dwarves, forged by the god Moradin, typically inhabit mountains and rugged hills, where they build fortress-towns that include subterranean passages, chambers, and defenses. These short and stocky defenders of mountain fortresses are often seen as stern and humorless. Known for mining the earth’s treasures and crafting magnificent items from ore and gemstones, they have an unrivaled affinity for the bounties of the deep earth. Dwarves love of history and tradition, and they often view shifts in attitudes, styles, fashions, and trends with suspicion if not hostility. Dwarves believe unbroken things don’t need to be fixed, and broken things should be repaired rather than replaced. Dwarves are a short and stocky race, and stand about a foot shorter than most humans, with wide, compact bodies that account for their burly appearance. Male and female Dwarves pride themselves on the long length of their hair, and men often decorate their beards with a variety of clasps and intricate braids. A clean-shaven male Dwarf is surely mad or cursed; one trusts a beardless Dwarven male with great caution.

Dwarven Class Abilities

Establish Mountain Hall: At tenth level, a Dwarf who chooses to build and dedicate a mountain hall to his clan may attract a body of loyal followers who swear fealty to the character.

Experience Bonus for Constitution: Constitution is the Prime Attribute for Dwarves, which means a Dwarf with Constitution of 15 or higher receives an additional 5% experience.

Forged in Fire: Moradin Soul-Forger crafted the first Dwarves with fire, hammer, and anvil, and some of the magic from that divine act remains within every Dwarf. When a Dwarf suffers damage from a metal weapon or from fire, the player rolls a Forged in Fire die. If the die result is a 1 or a 2, the die type downgrades one step. A d4 die that downgrades means this ability no longer functions until it has recovered. Regardless, the Dwarf takes half damage from the metal weapon or fire.

Keen Detection: Dwarves are good at spotting construction, traps, and slanting passages while underground. See adjacent table for the chance of success.

Saving Throw: Dwarves are hearty creatures. They gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Like Fighters, Dwarves train in warfare and have no restrictions on the weapons or armor they may use, except that Dwarves may not use two-handed swords or longbows (short bows and crossbows are permitted). A Dwarf makes attack rolls as a Fighter of equal level.

December 7th, 2016  in RPG No Comments »

A Hero Is Born

Recent work on The Four Color Hack has slowed due to life (work, illness, et cetera) combined with Peter C. Spahn’s distracting WWII: Operation WhiteBox. Today, I refer you to an earlier TFCH post, specifically one that describes Diesel, a sample hero.

At this link right here, you can find a PDF excerpt of the hero creation rules. Major influences on hero creation include Atomic Sock Monkey’s Truth & Justice, DC Heroes by Mayfair Games, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying from Margaret Weis Productions, and Risus: The Anything RPG by S. John Ross. There are some other influences in there as well, such as (obviously) The Black Hack.


December 6th, 2016  in RPG No Comments »