Archive for December, 2009

Subscribe to Quid Novi? Now

Good news! We got done with Rewarding Roleplaying and our e-mail subscription process ahead of schedule. Enter your name and e-mail address in the appropriate fields. All subscribers get the alpha playtest PDF of Rewarding Roleplaying. Issue I of Quid Novi? is scheduled for release on Sunday, 13 December 2009. To kick things off with a bang, Issue I will be double normal size.

December 5th, 2009  in RPG 3 Comments »

Mmm. Gnome Stew.

If you’ve never browsed around Gnome Stew, you owe it to yourself to do so. It’s a great website for gamemasters. Take some time and click over to read John Arcadian‘s explanation of how he’s linked intangible rewards and character development in his game.

In other news, I’m right on schedule with both Quid Novi? and the release of Rewarding Roleplaying. The two go hand-in-hand. Subscribe to Quid Novi? and you get Rewarding Roleplaying as your first subscriber benefit.

December 3rd, 2009  in RPG 3 Comments »

Quid Novi?

Good question! Here’s what’s new around here: Work on the Spes Magna Games newsletter has begun. Once every two weeks, Quid Novi? will arrive via e-mail, hot off the presses and into your in-box. Regular Quid Novi? features will include each of the following once a month:

Making History: An article about an historical event that can be used in your game.
Chance Encounters: A monster or NPC ready to challenge your players.
Five-Part One-Shot: A short adventure outline using the world-wide-web-famous 5-Room Dungeon format.

Every issue of Quid Novi? will also feature Recommended Reading suggestions about books, articles, and blogs on topics related to both gaming and history.

Subscribers will have the opportunity to help playtest products, enjoying all the fame and glory that comes with such a noble task. This means that you can get your hands on Spes Magna Games content before it’s released to the public, starting with Rewarding Roleplaying.

I’m in the process of setting up the newsletter subscription service. Keep an eye on this site for updates on my progress. Better yet, click over on the sidebar and enter your e-mail address to subscribe to our RSS feed.

As always, we want to hear from you. How does Quid Novi? sound to you? Are there any historical events you’d like see featured? Any suggestions for Chance Encounters or Five-Part One-Shot? If so, leave us a comment or two!

December 2nd, 2009  in RPG 1 Comment »