The Duality of the Elves

Centuries ago, Elves ruled the world through sorcerous might and military power. Now, the Elven hegemony exists largely in history books. The only Elven city that still exists as a functioning political body is ancient Aachen. The rest of former Elven possessions and vassals have either been overtaken by wilderness or else exist today long free of Elven overlords. The Elves were created by Corellon Larethian and Sehanine Moobow, the Elven deities of the sun and moon, of life and death. Sehanine fashioned the Elven body while Corellon infused the spark of life. The duality of their creators affects the very core of Elven existence for every Elf is both male and female, changing sex with the passing of the hours. Most Elves are amoral. Their actions are determined by tradition and by the search for pleasure and new sensations. Elven sophisticates take pride their love of cruelty and pleasure. Their self-centered ways are held in check by rigid adherence to tradition. Elaborate rituals dedicated to the sun and the moon dominate Elven society, and few Elves have the courage to ignore these rites.

Elven Class Abilities

Duality: All Elves are both male and female, both martial (makar) and magical (istar). At 1st level, the player must decide which sex corresponds with which adjective. Thus, an Elf can be magical male and martial female, or vice versa. At moonrise each day, an Elf’s sex changes. An Elf can attempt to resist this change by making a saving throw. When an Elf changes form, the Elf recovers 1d6+1 lost hit points.

Establish Stronghold: At tenth level, an Elf who chooses to build a stronghold may attract a body of loyal followers who swear fealty to the character.

Experience Bonus for Strength and Intelligence: Strength and Intelligence are the Prime Attributes for Elves. An Elf with a Strength of 15 or higher receives a 2.5% bonus to experience. An Elf with a 15 or higher in Intelligence receives an additional 2.5% experience. These bonuses are cumulative for an Elf with 15+ in both attributes.

Keen Detection: Elves are good at spotting hidden and concealed doors (1-4 on a d6 when searching or 1-2 on a d6 if just passing by).

Saving Throws: An Elf receives a +2 bonus on saving throws against the special attacks of the undead.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: An Elf in either form can wear any armor up to and including chain mail. The Elf cannot use two-handed weapons or shields while casting spells.

Elven Istar Abilities

Combat: In istar form, an Elf resolves attack rolls using the same table as Magic-Users, but enjoys a +1 bonus to-hit with any type of bow or one-handed sword.

Saving Throws: An Elf in istar form receives a +2 bonus on saving throws against charm and sleep.

Spellcasting: Like the Magic-User, an Elf owns a book of spells, which does not necessarily include all of the spells on the standard lists. Reading from this book, the Elf presses select spell formulae into the mind, thus “preparing” those spells to be cast. Once a prepared spell is cast, the spell formulae disappears from the Elf’s mind, and must be prepared again before another attempt can be made to cast it. However, it is possible to prepare a spell multiple times using the available “slots” in the Elf’s memory. If the Elf finds spell scrolls during an adventure, those can be copied into the spellbook.

Elven Makar Abilities

Combat: In makar form, an Elf resolves attack rolls using the same table as Clerics, but enjoys a +1 bonus to-hit with any type of bow or one-handed sword.

Saving Throws: An Elf in makar form receives a +2 bonus on saving throws against charm and fear.

December 8th, 2016  in RPG No Comments »

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